
The largest open source webtoon scraper in world.

It supports Naver Webtoon (including Best Challenge, Challenge Comics), webtoons.com, Bufftoon, Naver Post, Naver Game, Lezhin Comics, KakaoPage, Naver Blog, Tistory, Kakao Webtoon, and possibly more in future.

If you want to know more about copyright and responsibility, please refer to this document(Korean).

  • I apologize that only the README is available in English. Most of our users, including myself, are Korean, so I can't pay much attention to English documentation. But the browser translation tool is pretty good! Give it a try.

Using as an executable file

This package can be used as an executable file on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

  1. Go to the release page.

  2. Go to the latest release, click on the zip file with the name matching your operating system to download.

  3. Unzip the file and use it.

[!WARNING] The executable file is located in a folder, and the webtoons are basically downloaded to the webtoon directory in that folder. This default can be changed with the -d flag. For more details, please refer to the usage(Korean).

webtoon download 809590 -p naver_webtoon -d ..

[!WARNING] In the case of Windows, the "Windows protected your PC" window may pop up and prevent execution. In that case, click on More Info (located in the middle left) and press Run.


  1. Install Python (version 3.10 or higher, latest version is recommended). Ensure Python is included in the PATH during installation.

  2. Run the following command in the terminal:

    pip install -U WebtoonScraper

    If your operating system is POSIX-based (Mac or Linux), you may need to use the following command:

    pip3 install -U WebtoonScraper

To check if the CLI has been installed correctly, use the following command:

webtoon --version

If the webtoon command does not run properly, try using the following code:

python -m WebtoonScraper --version

Depending on your environment, you may need to use python3 or py -3.12 instead of python.

To verify the successful installation in your Python environment, run the following code:

from WebtoonScraper import webtoon

How to Use

Most webtoons can be downloaded by typing webtoon download in terminal followed by the URL enclosed in double quotes.

webtoon download "https://www.webtoons.com/en/action/omniscient-reader/list?title_no=2154"

If you want to know more about the features of WebtoonScraper (set range of epidsodes to download, merge episode, set download directory, episode listing, use with Python, etc.) or if it does not work well with the method introduced above (Bufftoon and Lezhin Comics, additional steps are essential), please refer to the Usage Guide(Korean).

Types of Webtoons/Episodes that This Library Can Download

Please refer to the Types of Webtoons/Episodes that This Library Can Download(Korean) document.

Build from Source

First, install git and python and clone the repository.

git clone https://github.com/ilotoki0804/WebtoonScraper.git

Then create and activate a virtual environment.

echo For Windows
py -3.12 -m venv .venv

echo For UNIX
python3.12 -m venv .venv

Install poetry and the dependencies.

pip install poetry
poetry install --no-root

Run build.py.

python build.py

Now, the built whl and tar.gz files will appear in dist.

Release Note

Please refer to the Release Note(Korean) document.

Last updated